Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Half Time Game Plan

So last weekend was the WorldTeach Colombia mid-service conference. All the remaining WorldTeach teachers from each of the different sites convened in Taganga, a great little diving village about two hours away from Barranquilla, and swapped stories and brainstormed teaching ideas to make the second half of the year even more successful. But even more importantly, there was also some serious beach and R&R going on. We had a lot of catching up to do.

However, since it is a little more than "mid-service "(I am actually about 7 months in) it's about time that I reevaluate what the heck I am doing here. Rest assured, this is not the first time I have thought about this. I think about where I am going and my goals just about every day. But it is time that I officially admit it. I have had a ton of fun here and have kindof put the whole "goal-reaching" aspect of my time here on the back burner. While I could blame it partially on GRE studying before break, I have absolutely no excuses now. So here goes. My Colombia Status Report:

Eating healthy and exercising were two of my original goals for myself. I knew I would have some free time here and since I cook for myself, there is no reason not to try and do it a little more healthfully. Plus, with my sleeping problems getting worse, it certainly can't hurt to get the rest of my body functioning at top performance.

Ok, so first exercise: I was exercising fairly regularly at home, so theoretically, it should have been an easy one. Simply do it. And to be honest, I actually really like exercise. I just selfishly miss the cool nights in the US and my air-conditioned gym. But here, where it is a bazillion degrees out, the kids are wearing me out during the day, and I'm still struggling to get this whole "sleeping like a normal person" thing down, its a real challenge for me. Plus, I kinda like to keep my exercising to myself, and with a house full of athletes and a neighborhood where there are no secrets, its kinda hard. I was actually doing fairly well before summer break. I played soccer a couple times a week with some students after school and had 4 exercise routines (lasting about an hour) that I did at least 3 times a week. I used the same order every time and the routine was really good for me. I even mixed it up and went running a couple times. The heat just really gets to me for some reason. even at night. However, since break I have thus far completely fallen off the exercise bandwagon. I've actually been sleeping comparatively well, but I'm exhausted all the time and this makes for a very detrimental lack of motivation. I know I just have to get started and that the extra exercise will help to boost my energy level, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. That is until now. My new goal, mark my words, is to start exercising three times a week again. I will aim for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but allow for some flexibility. However, my choices are running, the exercise routines I was doing before, or actually, aggressively playing a sport. I did play soccer once with the girls (which, since i havent played with people over the age of 12 in 10 years is pretty impressive in and of itself) but the exercise portion of the activity was less than impressive. Therefore, only real exercise counts. This goal is easy to keep track of and with a schedule, I should have absolutely no excuse not to do it. So there. punto.

Now onto healthy cooking. This has also proven to be somewhat of a challenge for me. Mainly because I have little idea as to what is actually healthy. Ok, in the US I was trying to eat healthier meals. I bought low- or no-fat versions of ingredients. I looked up healthy recipes online and made tons of fresh salads and great recipes with the fully stocked kitchen at my house. However, in Colombia, where my personal food budget is around $15-20 a week, I struggled to find ways to cook healthy meals simply, with few ingredients and without any fancy cookwear. For the longest time, we didn't even have an oven. So, once I started shopping for one on quite a budget, I found healthy cooking a lot more difficult. Yes I know, cheese and carbs = mostly bad. fruits and vegetables = pretty good. But I found myself a little lost as to what my alternatives were. So, I fell back on the easy, old favorites. Quesadillas, eggs, sandwiches, grilled cheese, stir fry, tuna melts, pitas stuffed with salad toppings, pita pizza, and even a little boxed mac & cheese after my sister visited. Not overly bad, really. But most involving bread and/or cheese. Probably not the best choice possible. I did start to make frozen fruit smoothies (when i coudl afford it) a new regular addition to my diet. I don't really like bananas, but once i froze them, added frozen strawberries, and some milk (no sugar added), it was like heaven. However, to be perfectly honest, overall I ate to survive, rather than to get my body exactly what it needed. So. with that said, my new goal is to do a little better. I bought a book recently about what constitutes healthy eating and what a balanced diet really looks like. I'm definitely hoping to reduce my intake of carbs and cheese and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables I eat. I just need to come up with some creative ideas for ways to do this. But living in a country where fresh crops are plentiful, and in a house where half the people drive their diet based off of healthy eating, I should have no problem getting the motivation I need to make this happen. What I need to focus on is the energy to put in the effort necessary. Totally doable, I think.

OK, this is a huge one. I stopped studying Spanish to study for the GRE and it really hurt me. I lost a lot of time. Now, I plan to at least make the most of my last 4 months. Here are my main steps:
- I need to study at least 3 times a week. I have a textbook, a CD course, a dictionary, and a wealth of information online so I have no excuse not to study and practice. While I am conversing with people, I think of a million questions and words I don't know, but I never follow-through and actually figure them out. So my new goal is towrite stuff down more and actually study on a regular basis. I find that going to the nearby university is a great way to go because there are people going to classes around me and i dont have the internet there so i cant get distracted. It's getting motivated and out of the house that tends to be my challenge. Including this very moment.
- I checked 2 books in Spanish out of the library (The Christmas Story by Dickens and one by Gabriel Garcia Marquez). Neither very long (no more than 150 pages), but with lots of new vocabulary. So far its slow going, but I like the challenge. I also have Harry Potter, left behind by Marilyn, and Sherlock Holmes, which I bought awhile ago. So I have reading covered.
- I also want to listen and translate more songs (mainly so i can sing along better when I'm out, jaja) But also to pick up the everyday vocabulary and use the music to help me remember the words
- I also need to watch more Spanish TV. I'm thinking about trying to borrow some movies (where I can add Spanish subtitles as well) and maybe pick up a telanovela online.
- Lastly, I need a Spanish practice buddy. Right now, I have the assurance of two separate friends, both who need help with English for school. So hopefully one of those will come through. However, I am a little apprehensive practicing with people I know, and people who speak fairly good English at that. I'm also going to try to get to the Colombo center and see if they can set me up with someone. That way, we will both be on the same page, I hope. :) I'll let you know how it goes!

So i really need to set up a special project. I want to get more involved in the program development aspect of the foundation and the issues that actually interest me, such as the challenges of internal displacement, economic development in an impoverished community, and the lives and concerns of the people. I really want to get more involved in the community so I am going to try and spend more time in La Playa and with my students and their families out of class. I still haven't decided exactly how I want to focus my career goals with the rest of my time here, but that is definitely something I need to work out.

I won't go into great detail here, mostly because this piece of my life is highly personal to me. However, a big part of this year was trying to figure out who I am, what is important to me, and where I want to go in life. Along with this comes my spiritual growth. I have gotten away from regular reflection, devotions, and church attendance, and I really need to fix that. I can feel it in my daily life and the decisions I make. Therefore, I am bringing these aspects back into my life in a big way. I actually tried going to a church this past sunday, but it was raining and after waiting an hour for services to start, I gave up and came home. I did a little self-meditation while I was there so it wasn't a complete loss. But I need to make this piece a bigger part of my daily life as I seek greater balance and health.

So there you have it. More exercise, more Spanish studying, more time with my kids and their families, and more spiritual growth and reflection. Doesn't sound too hard, does it? ;)

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